ssl certificate email blocking
ssl certificate email blocking
If your ISP (e.g. AT&T) blocks port 110 for incoming email, we can workaround the issue with SSL on port 995, however Microsoft Outlook returns the following security certificate warning, and offers no option to remember the preference."The server you are connected to is using a security certificate that could not be verified. A certificate chain processed, but terminated in a root certificate which is not trusted by the trust provider. Do you want to continue using this server?"
Thus, every time you launch Outlook, you have to answer to the certificate warning.
* Use Internet Explorer to browse to (replace # with your box number. If you're not sure what it is, under your control panel you'll see it next to "Server Name"). You will get a security certificate warning.
* Click "View Certificate", then click "Install Certificate". You will be presented with a certificate wizard.
* Click Next/Yes/Finish to accept all the defaults.
* From now on, Outlook will work without complaining about the certificate.